General Athletic Information
Mission and Philosophy
Respect Everyone:
Mutual respect is the foundation of any successful organization or department. Within educational athletics, respect is something that must be taught, modeled, and reinforced within every facet of the department. Coaches and student athletes will respect their teammates, opponents, and officials and conduct themselves in a manner that is sportsmanlike. Within each team, coaches will emphasize the importance of respect and model the type of behaviors they will expect out of their student athletes. Student athletes will conduct themselves in a manner that shows respect for all elements of the sport and will set a positive example for the youth in our community.
Compete Every Day:
Competition is the essence of sport. Whether competing against yourself to set a new personal record or competing against an opponent to work toward a victory, competition is at the heart of athletics. Our student athletes and coaches will compete to the best of their abilities every day to not only make themselves better, but to help Holly get better. Our athletic programs will be known for their grit, their team-first mentality, and their willingness to do all they can to be successful. Success will not always be measured in terms of wins and losses; it will be measured in how hard we compete and work toward our team goals.
Enjoy the Experience:
Educational athletics must be an enjoyable experience for student athletes and coaches. We want our student athletes and coaches to reflect back fondly on their experiences and remember the enjoyable times they had with their teammates. Student athletes will oftentimes remember these experiences much more than the win-loss record of the teams they were on or the statistics they were able to amass. Our athletic programs will strive to build these relationships among teammates and coaches that will serve as life-long bonds and memories that will stay with them well beyond their high school years.
These three core values will be embodied in all of our athletic teams and will be emphasized by all of our coaching staff. The interscholastic athletic experience is intended to be one in which our student athletes are afforded opportunities to compete in the sports in which they enjoy and learn many valuable lessons that will extend well beyond the playing surface. The sports program will provide the student body with a bond of common interest, emphasizing the importance of working together and will also furnish the community an opportunity for involvement and pride in the Holly Area School District. The interscholastic sports program in the Holly Area School District is an integral part of the extracurricular activities and a vital part of the total educational program. All students have an equal opportunity to compete for positions on athletic teams, and it is the aim of the school district to encourage all who are interested and eligible to try out for interscholastic sports. The safety and welfare of our student-athletes will be the primary concern as these sports activities are planned and carried out.
All interscholastic athletic events will operate under the auspices of the Holly Area School District. These events are promoted and authorized by the Board of Education, whose responsibility is to set policies that meet the district’s athletic philosophy. The administration and athletic staff will be responsible for the implementation of Board policies. The administration will also establish necessary rules and procedures to insure acceptable standards of safety, sportsmanship, and competencies.
Student Athletes’ Code of Conduct
The rules and procedures listed in the Code of Conduct apply to all of our student athletes. Student athletes are expected to adhere to the rules and procedures year round, including off-season and vacation periods. Violations of the Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary consequences, including suspension or expulsion from participation in educational athletics. The rules and procedures listed in the Code of Conduct do not supersede or modify the Holly Area Schools’ Code of Conduct, by which all students are expected to comply. Violations of the Holly Area Schools’ Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary consequences, including suspension or expulsion from participation in educational athletics.
Student athletes are expected to work diligently in class, on homework and study for quizzes and tests. For high school athletes the MHSAA mandates that you pass 66% of a full class load. To satisfy this requirement it equates to 4 of 5 classes. Additionally, Holly raised the bar even more. We expect our athletes to maintain a 2.0 GPA. Academics should be your primary focus and if you fall behind, you will not earn the opportunity to participate in sports. Grades are checked mid-trimester and at the end of each trimester. For middle school athletes the MHSAA mandates that you are passing 50% of a full load of classes. Academically, it is a bit easier to compete at the middle school level. Middle school athletes should be prepared for higher standards at the high school.
Physicals are required to participate in school athletic programs. Completed forms for high school students should be turned in to the athletic office. Completed forms for middle school students can be turned in at the middle school at the front desk. Physical forms must be turned in before attending a tryout or practice session and must be dated after April 15th of the previous school year.
All parents must register their high school and/or middle school student athletes on Final Forms. There are forms that must be completed and electronically signed by both the parents and student athletes on this platform. Upon completing the forms, student athletes must turn a hard copy of their physical form to the high school athletic office for high school students or the middle school main office for middle school athletes. All of this must be completed prior to the first day of practice for each individual season.
The high school registration fee is $125 per school year and the middle school fee is $50 for school funded sports. Holly also offers a number of self-funded sports for which there would be an additional charge. These fee must be paid prior to the first contest.
Online Payment System - e-Funds for Schools
The Parent-Coach Communication Guide
One key element to a successful season, is good communication. This includes both communication between athlete and coach and also between parent and coach. Please review the Parent-Coach Communication Guide for expectations and tips.

Casey Lombard
Michigan Sports Concussion Law Resources
Michigan Sports Concussion Law