HAS 100% Virtual Option

student on a computer at home

Based on our recent online instruction survey, over 35% of parents indicated that they would be interested in a full online program for their family. Knowing not all families will be comfortable returning to school in-person, Holly Area Schools proudly offers a 100% virtual online learning program for students in Grades Y5 -12. This program will look and feel very different from the Holly@Home distance learning program experienced this past Spring. With time to plan and provide training for staff, we are able to offer a much more comprehensive online program. This will be a strong option for families who are not comfortable returning to school buildings.

  • Any HAS student can opt to enroll in our virtual learning program.
  • Classes will be taught by highly-skilled, thoughtful, and caring Holly Area Schools teachers utilizing the same academic standards and assessment goals.
  • Students and families will have access to class resources, progress, and grades.
  • The class schedule will model a school day providing more daily, interactive, live/direct (synchronous) instruction and frequent contact with students’ established classroom teachers.
  • Students will maintain relationships with their online peers and teachers while learning fully from home.
  • Virtual students may participate in educational and extracurricular opportunities, though their schooling would be entirely at home.
  • Pacing, assessment, grading, daily attendance, and curriculum progress would remain consistent with in-person learning expectations.
  • Activities, tasks, and assessments will be scheduled and required.

Our Return to Learn plan was designed with a priority on safety and quality academics. Our Holly Area Schools teachers will be teaching from the same curriculum, with aligned pacing, standards and outcomes for our students. Teachers and students will use one platform (Schoology) regardless of how or where instruction is being delivered. 

If we remain in Phase 4, In-Person Learning will follow the requirements outlined in the Michigan Return to School Roadmap. While we want to make the in-school experience as close to typical as possible, students and parents must know and understand that the health and safety of our students and staff will result in significant changes to the school day.


Whether your family chooses in-person instruction or the 100% virtual option, we are thrilled to share that our new 1:1 technology program provides all Broncho students with a district-owned device for the 2020-2021 school year. 


Please keep in mind that should Michigan move from Phase 4 back to Phase 1, 2 or 3 due to a resurgence of the virus, it is possible that the Governor will direct all Michigan schools to move to online learning for all students for a period of time. Because our teachers will use our new Learning Management System, Schoology, to facilitate teaching and learning, and all students have access to a 1:1 device, Holly Area Schools will be prepared to provide teaching and learning in this transition.

We will continue to take guidance from the State of Michigan, Oakland County Health Division, and the Centers for Disease Control to best support the health and safety of our students and employees. We also work in close collaboration with many of our partner school districts across Oakland County.

PDF DocumentHAS 100% Virtual Learning Plan flyer