2021-2022 COVID-19 Return to Learn

On August 24, 2021, The Oakland County Health Division (OCHD) issued an Emergency Order (2021 - 01) which, generally, requires universal masking for all individuals inside “educational settings” anywhere in the County.

The Emergency Order has raised a number of important and relevant questions.  We will continue to add more information as we receive confirmation regarding the answers.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What happens when one of our schools is informed of a Positive Case?

A:  An administrator from Holly Area Schools communicates to the Oakland County Health Division (OCHD) regarding the positive COVID-19 case.  With this communication, the administrator provides information to assist the health department with their case investigation including seating charts and contact information of individuals who may be identified by the health department as a close contact. 

Our district encourages OCHD to promptly notify any determined Close Contacts the need to quarantine pursuant to Rule 340.175(4) and the MDHHS Order, which gives local health departments the authority to order a quarantine.  Anyone receiving a classroom exposure letter from their school building is advised to await any possible further direction from the Oakland County Health Division. 

Q:  Can the school district just defy the OCHD directive?

A:  No.  A public school district is required to comply with a mandate from the county or state health department. 

Ignoring the mandate would be considered gross negligence.  Public school districts (and their employees) are largely protected by governmental immunity should students or employees become injured/ill while at school. One of the fundamental predicates of governmental immunity is that the governmental agency (school district) is engaged in a governmental function (running of a school, consistent with legal requirements).

If the school district was operating while openly and intentionally disregarding and violating an order from a local health department (which has the authority under Michigan law to dictate health, safety, and welfare protocols), the school district runs the risk of not being afforded the protections of governmental immunity and, therefore, being held legally liable for injuries/illness which may befall a student or employee.

Additionally, the COVID-19 Response and Reopening Liability Assurance Act, passed by the Michigan Legislature in October 2020, provided for individual and organizational immunity from liability for claims related to COVID illness. However, such protections are expressly conditioned on a good faith adherence to applicable laws, regulations, and orders – which would include the OCHD Emergency Order.

In short, open defiance of the Emergency Order would create significant legal exposure for the school district, its board of education, and staff.

Q:  If someone is vaccinated, do they still have to wear a mask?

A:  Yes. The Emergency Order applies to “students, teachers, administrative staff, attendees, volunteers, and other employees or volunteers of Educational Institutions.” The Emergency Order also requires that “all persons, regardless of vaccination status, ... consistently wear a facial covering ...”

Q:  What exemptions are provided in the Emergency Order, if any?

A:  The Emergency Order delineates five (5) exemptions:

  1. Persons in the act of eating or drinking.
  2. Persons under the age of four; however, supervised masking is recommended for children who are at least two years of age.
  3. Persons with developmental conditions of any age attending school for whom it has been demonstrated that the use of a face covering would inhibit the person's access to education. These are limited to persons with an Individualized Education Plan, Section 504 Plan, Individualized Healthcare Plan or equivalent.
  4. Vaccinated teachers who are working with children who are hard of hearing or students with developmental conditions who benefit from facial cues.
  5. Persons who have a medical reason confirmed in writing from a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) currently licensed to practice medicine in the State of Michigan.

Q:  Where can I locate information about COVID-19 vaccinations?

A:  https://oaklandcountyvaccine.com/appointments/#providers

Return to Learn Communications

August 25, 2021

Dear Holly Area Schools families and staff,

Many of you may have seen media reports about the Oakland County Health Division (OCHD) requiring masks in all Oakland County schools.

Holly Area Schools is required to follow this mandate and we are adjusting our Return to School plans accordingly. As such, masks must be worn by all students, visitors and employees while inside any enclosed buildings throughout the district including on buses.  OCHD has stated that the order is effective until the community transmission for Oakland County is determined “Moderate” for at least 14 days, or until further notice from the health officer.

As stated in previous communications, this is a dynamic situation and as a result of a mandate, we must adjust our planning.  We are committed to working to keep you apprised and to provide accurate, timely information so our back-to-school plans are a success.

For details or to read the Health Division statement, please click here.

I know this news will come as a relief to some of our families, and a disappointment to others. We are not in the position to debate the emergency order.  Our staff is working diligently to get buildings, classrooms, and programs ready for the return of students. 

I hope we can move forward together as one united Holly Area Schools community focused on a successful return to school and providing a world class education to all Bronchos.

We greatly appreciate the continued cooperation, patience and understanding of our entire Broncho community as we look forward to a safe and successful return to school on Aug. 30.

Please go to our 2021 - 22 COVID-19 Return to Learnpage on our website for more updates. 

As always, it is a true honor serving as your Superintendent.

#BronchoStrong #BronchosUnited

Scott M. Roper, Superintendent

Oakland county health division news release header

Oakland County Issues Emergency Health Order Requiring Masks In Educational Settings

For immediate release:  Aug 24, 2021, 6:22 PM

Contact: Bill Mullan, Oakland County Media and Communications Officer

Oakland County, Michigan – The Oakland County Health Division issued an emergency health order today requiring masks in daycares and elementary, middle, high, and vocational schools regardless of vaccination status to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The order aligns with recent guidance from the Michigan Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to ensure children, teachers, and staff are able to begin the school year safely.

This order comes on the heels of Oakland County returning to an indoor mask requirement for all employees last week regardless of vaccination status.

“Our top priority is keeping students in school for in-person learning. Masking is one of the best defenses against increased transmission of COVID and higher hospitalization rates among kids,” Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter said. “This order allows teachers to get back to educating our students and focusing on their success.”

Oakland County Health Division issued Emergency Health Order 2021-1 through the authority of the county’s health officer after evaluating local, state, and national data and conditions.

COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations are rising among children in the United States, with over 180,000 children testing positive the week of August 12-19, an increase from the prior week when 120,000 child COVID-19 cases were reported, according to a report from the AAP.

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have indicated Oakland County is at substantial risk of COVID-19 transmission, especially the Delta variant. Of the 2,740 new cases of COVID-19 in Oakland County from August 4-17, more than one in six were school age children. Over 52,000 Oakland County residents ages 12-19 years old remain unvaccinated as the 2021-2022 school year gets underway. Plus, students younger than 12 years are ineligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Oakland County’s seven-day case average is 178 new cases per day or about 1,250 new cases per week, many among the unvaccinated. The county’s seven-day test positivity rate has climbed to 6.6 percent.

The test positivity rate has been rising since the beginning of July and has exceeded 5.0 percent since early August.

Masks help reduce the transmission of COVID-19 by reducing the number of respiratory droplets containing the virus that may emanate from an infected individual who is asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. Studies of COVID-19 incidence in school districts during the 2020-2021 school year show that proper masking is the most effective mitigation strategy to prevent secondary transmission in schools. One study out of North Carolina indicated masking helped reduce COVID-19 transmission between 40 and 70 percent.

Masking is part of a multi-layered approach to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Other preventative measures include immunization, social distancing, good hand hygiene, staying home when sick, and avoiding high-risk activity.

Emergency Health Order 2021-1 does not apply to the following individuals:

  • Those eating or drinking.
  • Children under the age of four years (supervised masking is recommended for children who are at least two years old).
  • Anyone living with developmental conditions for whom it has been demonstrated that the use of a face covering would inhibit the person's access to education (those with Individualized Education Plan, Section 504 Plan, Individualized Healthcare Plan or equivalent).
  • Vaccinated teachers working with children who are hard of hearing or students with developmental conditions who benefit from facial cues.
  • Persons who have a medical reason confirmed in writing from a physician.

External LinkOakland County News Release


Mask Medical Exemption for Students Procedure

In order for a student who is age 2 or older to be exempt from wearing a mask due to medical reasons, HAS will require parents to have their child’s doctor (MD or DO, as required by Emergency Order 2021-1), complete and return the district’s HAS Student Face Covering Exempt Request form.  Please follow the procedures outlined below for the consideration of medical exemption:

  • Once a parent has expressed concern for their child wearing a mask to school due to medical reasons, the building principal, administrative assistant, or central office administrative assistant will direct the parent to the HAS Student Mask Exempt Form on our website. 
  • The form will be returned to the Student Services Office, to Mrs. Flessa/Mrs. Stevens
    • If additional information is needed from the physician for the request to be determined, a Release of Information will be completed by the parent.
  • Once the exemption request has been reviewed, the building principal will contact the parent.

Student Mask Medical Exemption Request Form


To protect the health of our school community and per the Emergency Order issued by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Holly Area Schools will use this webpage to provide public notice regarding school-associated cases of COVID-19. This dashboard will be updated within 24 hours when we are notified by the Oakland County Health Division of a school-associated COVID case. Individuals identified as close contacts of school-associated cases will be notified separately and directly by the Oakland County Health Division.

Notification DateNumber of Confirmed or Probable CasesWhat Building(s), Buses, or other areas of the district are affected?
3/8/221Holly Middle School
2/25/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
2/23/221Holly High School
2/9/221Holly High School
2/7/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
2/7/224Davisburg Elementary
2/2/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
2/1/222Patterson Elementary
2/1/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
2/1/221Holly High School
1/31/222Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/31/222Davisburg Elementary
1/31/223Holly High School
1/31/222Patterson Elementary
1/28/221Davisburg Elementary
1/28/221Holly Elementary
1/28/225Patterson Elementary
1/27/225Holly High School
1/27/222Holly Middle School
1/27/222Patterson Elementary
1/26/223Holly Elementary
1/26/221Davisburg Elementary
1/26/221Holly Middle School
1/26/221Holly High School
1/25/221Patterson Elementary
1/24/224Patterson Elementary
1/24/222Davisburg Elementary
1/24/223Holly Middle School
1/24/224Holly Elementary
1/22/221Davisburg Elementary
1/21/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/21/222Holly Elementary
1/21/221Davisburg Elementary
1/20/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/20/221Davisburg Elementary
1/20/223Patterson Elementary
1/19/222Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/19/222Davisburg Elementary
1/18/226Holly Middle School
1/18/223Holly High School
1/18/226Davisburg Elementary
1/18/224Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/18/226Patterson Elementary
1/17/223Holly Middle School
1/16/221Davisburg Elementary
1/15/221Davisburg Elementary
1/14/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/14/221Davisburg Elementary
1/14/222Patterson Elementary
1/14/224Holly Middle School
1/14/221Davisburg Elementary
1/14/221Holly Elementary
1/13/227Holly Middle School
1/13/221Patterson Elementary
1/13/221Holly Elementary
1/13/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/12/2211Holly Middle School
1/12/221Davisburg Elementary
1/12/222Patterson Elementary
1/12/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/11/221Patterson Elementary
1/11/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/11/221Holly Middle School
1/11/221Davisburg Elementary
1/10/222Holly High School
1/10/224Holly Middle School
1/10/223Patterson Elementary
1/10/223Davisburg Elementary
1/10/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/10/223Holly Middle School
1/10/225Holly Elementary
1/9/221Davisburg Elementary
1/8/221Davisburg Elementary
1/7/223Holly Middle School
1/7/221Patterson Elementary
1/7/222Davisburg Elementary
1/7/221Rose Pioneer Elementary
1/6/222Holly Elementary
1/6/221Davisburg Elementary
1/5/223Holly Middle School
1/5/221Davisburg Elementary
1/4/222Davisburg Elementary
1/3/223Holly Elementary School
12/22/211Holly High School
12/15/212Holly Middle School
12/15/212Patterson Elementary
12/14/213Patterson Elementary
12/13/214Patterson Elementary
12/13/212Holly Elementary
12/10/211Holly Middle School
12/9/212Holly Middle School
12/9/211Patterson Elementary
12/8/212Patterson Elementary
12/7/211Holly High School
12/7/213Holly Middle School
12/7/211Davisburg Elementary
12/7/211Patterson Elementary
12/6/213Holly High School
12/6/211Patterson Elementary
12/1/213Holly Elementary
11/29/212Davisburg Elementary
11/29/212Holly Middle School
11/29/214Patterson Elementary
11/27/211Patterson Elementary
11/24/214Patterson Elementary
11/23/2110Holly High School
11/23/212Rose Pioneer Elementary
11/23/211Holly Elementary
11/22/211Holly High School
11/22/212Patterson Elementary
11/22/212Holly Middle School
11/22/212Holly Elementary
11/22/211Holly Middle School
11/22/212Rose Pioneer Elementary
11/19/213Rose Pioneer Elementary
11/19/213Holly Middle School
11/19/215Holly High School
11/18/211Holly Middle School
11/18/212Patterson Elementary
11/18/211Holly High School
11/17/211Holly Middle School
11/17/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
11/17/211Patterson Elementary
11/16/211Patterson Elementary
11/16/211Davisburg Elementary
11/16/213Holly Middle School
11/15/215Holly Middle School
11/15/211Patterson Elementary
11/15/211Holly Elementary
11/12/211Davisburg Elementary
11/12/212Holly Middle School
11/11/211Davisburg Elementary
11/11/212Patterson Elementary
11/11/211Holly Elementary
11/10/213Davisburg Elementary
11/10/212Holly Middle School
11/9/212Davisburg Elementary
11/9/215Holly Middle School
11/9/214Holly High School
11/9/211Patterson Elementary
11/8/212Patterson Elementary
11/8/211Holly Elementary
11/8/212Holly Middle School
11/5/211Davisburg Elementary
11/4/211Holly Middle School
11/4/216Holly High School
11/4/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
11/4/211Davisburg Elementary
11/2/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
11/1/214Holly High School
11/1/211Holly Elementary
11/1/211Holly Middle School
10/29/212Rose Pioneer Elementary
10/25/211Holly Elementary
10/25/211Holly Middle School
10/25/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
10/25/213Holly High School
10/21/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
10/20/214Holly High School
10/19/212Holly Middle School
10/19/212Patterson Elementary
10/18/211Patterson Elementary
10/18/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
10/16/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
10/14/218Holly High School
10/13/212Holly High School
10/13/211Patterson Elementary
10/11/214Holly Elementary
10/10/211Holly Middle School
10/7/211Holly Middle School
10/7/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
10/7/216Holly High School
10/6/211Holly Elementary
10/6/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
10/6/211Davisburg Elementary
10/4/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
10/4/212Holly High School
10/4/211Holly Elementary
10/1/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
9/30/212Holly High School
9/29/211Rose Pioneer Elementary
9/28/211Holly High School
9/28/211Holly Middle School
9/28/213Rose Pioneer School
9/27/211Holly Middle School
9/27/211Patterson Elementary
9/23/211Patterson Elementary
9/23/211Holly Middle School
9/23/212Rose Pioneer Elementary
9/23/212Holly High School
9/21/211Holly Middle School
9/20/211Holly High School
9/20/212Holly Middle School
9/17/211Patterson Elementary
9/17/211Davisburg Elementary
9/16/211Patterson Elementary
9/16/212Holly High School
9/14/211Holly Middle School
9/13/212Holly Middle School
9/9/211Patterson Elementary
9/8/211Holly High School
9/7/211Patterson Elementary
9/7/211Patterson Elementary
9/6/211Patterson Elementary
9/6/211Patterson Elementary

HollyatHome H@H  Holly@Home

  Distance Learning Program

With the order from Governor Whitmer to close schools for the remainder of the school year, Holly Area Schools is introducing our Holly@Home Distance Learning Program for all students Y5-12th grades. Beginning the week of April 15, staff and students in Holly Area Schools will shift to a more structured approach to on-line remote learning.

lean more button

Student and Family Meal Resources

Holly Area Schools in partnership with Chartwells School Dining will be continuing to offer FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH FOR ALL CHILDREN 18 years old & under and Special needs children age 26 and under.

Following Governor Whitmer’s original Stay Home Order, we are now transitioning into the Summer Food Program. Please click the link below for the Summer Meal Program Hours and Locations.
More Resources button

Health Information and Resources

With information changing daily, we encourage families to stay up to date on information regarding COVID-19 and protect yourself and the community.

View Health Resources hyperlink button



  • All Holly Area Schools Offices, Buildings, including Childcare will be closed to the public until Monday, April 6th.  (Stay tuned for any future announcements)
  • All Activities and events including Community Center Events are suspended until further notice. 
  • HAS Central Office Staff will be on a “Flex Schedule” with majority of work done from home.  
  • The MHSAA has canceled 2019-20 winter and spring sports.  Physical practices and competitions in all sports are not permitted until the ban is lifted by the Governor.

Holly Schools Virtual Learning 2021-2022

*** Please note that the window to apply for virtual learning has closed ***

Thank you for your interest in Virtual Learning with Holly Schools. 

As a partner in your child’s education, it is important to support your family's need for learning options. At the same time it is also important that we ensure that all Holly students have the opportunity to grow, develop and thrive within their learning environment. While we understand that the current situation may be a difficult one, we have seen that some students find great success in virtual learning, and others do not. It is the goal of Holly Schools to work with each of our families to identify a learning path that best supports each student’s learning needs. 

We are happy to offer a virtual learning option for those students who have shown that they can be successful through this mode. In order for the school district to appropriately staff classrooms, assign virtual mentors, and comply with the Michigan Department of Education pupil accounting guidelines, enrollment into our virtual program is a one (1) semester commitment. Semester 1 will end on January 19, 2022. Those students who are accepted into the virtual program, will be contacted in early December regarding their decision to continue with virtual learning or return to In-person learning for the second semester. There will be NO opportunity to return to In-Person learning until January 20, 2022. 

The district will be accepting applications for 1st semester virtual learning enrollment via this Application linkApplications will be accepted until 12:00 pm on Monday, August 30, 2021. Applications will be reviewed and families will be notified by Wednesday, September 1, 2021 as to the status of their application. 

Admittance into the Virtual Learning Program will be subject to several factors, such as previous virtual learning performance, attendance, a signed agreement to the terms below, program capacity limits.

  • Students require an ability to use technology for learning
  • A signed Letter of Intent indicating an understanding of the responsibility for ensuring their student fully participates in their academic program in its entirety. 
  • Virtual learning requires active involvement from parents to ensure students participate daily and maintain a pace that will allow them to successfully complete the course on time.
  • Successful students require daily supervision from parents. 
  • Students agree to participate in regular check-ins with their Teacher Mentor as scheduled.
  • Students agree to complete 1 assignment in each of their 6 courses on Wednesday, October 6, 2021.
  • Students must agree to update his/her Educational Development Plan on a yearly basis. The EDP is a document showing a student's educational and career goals and how they plan to achieve those goals. 
  • Parents agree that their students will participate fully in grade level state and local assessments including, but not limited to M-Step, PSAT and i-Ready. Some of these assessments may be required to be completed In-person.
  • Parents understand and agree to Virtual learning for the entire semester.

** If a virtual student does not fully participate in the program they may not be allowed to continue for additional semesters. 

District Communications

Corona virus image  Prevent the Spread 

  • Stay home if you are sick, and advise others to do the same. 
  • Always cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve. 
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. 
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and warm water are not available. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (phones, computers, keyboards, desks, etc.). 


Governor Executive Order
April 2, 2020

Governor Whitmer Signs Executive Order Suspending Face-to-Face Learning at K-12 Schools for Remainder of School Year

PDF DocumentExecutive Order 2020-35



Oakland County Help Hotline

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