Holly Area Youth Assistance

Strengthening Youth and Families through Community Involvement

What is HAYA

Holly Area Youth Assistance is a community-based prevention organization developed by volunteers who live and/or work in the greater Holly Area School District community.  HAYA is cosponsored by Holly Area Schools, the Townships of Groveland, Holly, Rose and Springfield as well as Oakland County Circuit Court - Family Division. Additional funding is obtained through grant and local fund-raising efforts.

Holly Area Youth Assistance provides low cost, confidential, short-term, family-centered counseling and referral service for local young people (under the age of 18) and their families.  The focus is on the whole family and not just the incident that brings the family to Youth Assistance.  Like other HAYA services, casework services aspire to reduce the incidence of delinquency, abuse and neglect through volunteer involvement.

  • HAYA Scholarships
  • Fall School Supplies Project
  • Family Education and Parenting Programs
  • Jacobson/Quinn Toy Project
  • Mentors Plus
  • Musical Instrument Loan Program
  • Shoe Program
  • Skill Building Activities Scholarships
  • Summer Camp Scholarships
  • Youth Involvement

Tena Alvarado, President
Martina Sykes, Vice-President
Nancy Hanks, Treasurer
Teresa Blaska, Secretary

Good News

Holly Area Youth Assistance is here to assist your athletes, musicians, artists and campers! 

HAYA provides Skill Building Scholarships for qualifying youth who would benefit from a learning experience outside of school.  If you would like to apply for a Skill Building Scholarship, please complete the Application Form and return it to the HAYA office.  Our email address is haya4kids63@gmail.com.

Apply Now buttonSkill Building Scholarships are provided in the interest of keeping our youth active and involved in positive, esteem-building activities.  

You can now apply using our Skill Building Scholarship Application online! Or download the following Skill Building Scholarship Application and return to the email address provided above.