Community Resources

The Foundation Trail features a 1.6 mile Campus Loop and a 1.5 mile Lake Loop.  There is ample parking in the lot adjacent to the trailhead behind Holly High School.

We encourage you to visit and use this wonderful trail!

Foundation Trail Map

Project Aware Grant

Project Aware is a cooperative grant with Oakland ISD

The goals of Project Aware are to Detect, Respond and Connect our youth with necessary resources to improve their mental health and the health of the Holly community.

Holly Area School District has had training addressing mental health and social-emotional learning, benefit from an on-site Easter Seals Office and have local trainers for Youth Mental Health First Aid and safeTALK.  

Staff are currently training with staff from Yale University with the social-emotional learning program RULER- Building Emotionally Literate Schools. Social Emotional learning is critical to life success and the culture and climate in schools. 

Fall 2016 Update

Holly Area Schools District Level Activities

MI PHY Survey

Michigan Program for Healthy Youth
Given at grades 7, 9 and 11
The MI PHY provides data on trends addressing health and safety from a student perspective.  This data has guided decisions on what professional learning and district focus on social emotional learning and mental health needs.

Easter Seals

Office hours held in the district on Mondays. Referrals and intake are completed locally.

Youth Mental Health First Aid  (YMHFA)

local training – December 2nd
Local trainer and at least 3 sessions wit in the Holly Community, Multiple trainings across the county

safeTALK Training

August 2016 – counselors, social worker, SLT, teachers, and 2 administrators.

ASSIST Training

November 2016
3 high school counselors, 1 middle school counselor


Holly Middle School and Holly Elementary teams
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence – social and emotional learning and the benefits of being aware of mood and energy as staff and students interact in the school community.  The focus is on the importance of Emotional Intelligence and impact on the school culture and achievement.

Bully –Free Schools

PBIS – restorative practices
MDE supported initiative that uses evidenced based- practices to reduce discipline issues in the school setting
Holly High School – 2 administrators, 2 teachers
Holly middle School – I administrators and counselors
Rose Pioneer  2 Teachers


Being rolled out across the district to alert students of a resource to anonymously report and address health and safety concerns.


Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan – District and building level teams process for addressing a crisis, preparation, planning, implementation and debriefing

You wouldn't believe how young many students start using substances. Approximately 2 million U.S. teens between the ages of 12 and 17 suffer from the disease of addiction. It's crucial that they get the help they need as early as possible.

External LinkHolly Area Community Coalition
External LinkThe Recovery Village