HAS Guest Teachers and Substitute Openings
Holly Area Schools are seeking dependable and enthusiastic Substitutes to join our team! As a Substitute, you will play a key role in maintaining a positive learning environment and ensuring that students continue their academic progress when regular staff are absent.
HAS partners with willSub Staffing Services and EduStaff Staffing Services to fill various substitute positions within the district.
Join our team today!
Position | Application Process |
Guest Teacher (non-certified)*For certified Guest Teachers, please call 248-328-3141. Substitute Paraprofessional | 1 - Apply through willSub and complete Section 1 of the application 2 - Complete a background check by making an appointment with a Live Scan vendor. Bring your Driver's License and Live Scan Form to your appointment. 3 - Once the background check results are sent to HR, you’ll receive a system generated email that notifies you to complete Section 2 of your willSub application. 4 - Please fill out the HR contact form to schedule an appointment to drop off your paperwork and bring the following items:
6 - You'll also receive an email directly from Frontline to register and create your own password which will allow you to see and select district vacancies. |
Noon SupervisorNoon Supervisor - Substitute | 1 - Please reach out to the respective building you are applying for to see if there’s a vacancy. 2 - Apply through EduStaff.
3 - Complete a background check by making an appointment with a Live Scan vendor. Bring your Driver's License and Live Scan Form to your appointment. 4 - Please complete the HR contact form to schedule an appointment to drop off your paperwork and bring the following items:
For EduStaff questions or issues with your profile or application, please reach out to their Human Resources department.
Phone: 877-974-6338
Email: humanresources@edustaff.org
For willSub questions or issues with your application, please see how to contact them at this link below.
Resource Guide: https://www.willsub.com/includes/Employee_Contact_sheet_240813A.pdf