Students and Board members at ground breaking for the new middle school

2022 HAS Bond Progress Updates

As part of the exciting developments funded by the 2022 Bond, generously approved by the Holly community, Holly Area Schools is proud to share the progress on several key projects aimed at enhancing our district's facilities. The new district Tennis and Pickleball Complex, the Holly Stadium, and the Holly High School Construction Trades Center have been successfully completed and are already in use, providing our students and community with state-of-the-art facilities. Additionally, construction is well underway for the new Holly Middle School, set to open its doors in the fall of 2025. These upgrades reflect our ongoing commitment to creating a supportive and modern learning environment for all.

Bold Vision

By 2030, Holly Area Schools will empower all students to shape their own learning journey through personalized, immersive, and relevant experiences. We will foster a culture of collaboration and excellence. We will equip learners with the skills and resilience to confidently navigate life’s challenges and embrace the opportunities in their futures.



  1. Integrate interdisciplinary subjects for meaningful, engaged learning. 
  2. Explore innovative ways to allow students to demonstrate a wider sense of individual growth. 
  3. Extend educational opportunities beyond the school building.
  4. Investigate and implement methods to discern student strengths and interests, matching them with opportunities that promote meaningful, engaged learning.
  5. Include student voice and feedback

Measures of Success

  • Multiple assessment options, including the use of of new metrics and rubrics, to collect information on student growth/mastery (both formative and summative) 
  • Diverse learning paths being explored by staff and students
  • Increased gathering of student interests and strengths from surveys, interviews, forums, etc. This develops each child’s ed profile.
  • Increased # of opportunities outside the building through field trips, internships, speakers, WBL sites, dual enrollment, etc
  • Increased interdisciplinary courses, programs, and opportunities are built into course offerings


  1. Implement a curriculum that is intentional and flexible, empowering students to drive their own learning experience.
  2. Encourage self-reflection and goal setting.
  3. Foster a growth mindset culture.

Measures of Success

  • Teachers have a strong understanding of standards and are able
    to offer feedback around them
  • Collaborative relationships between counselor and teachers
  • Hearing positivity/growth mindset in and out of classroom
  • Student goal setting and reflection is evident
  • There is a process/format/form for students to explore and drive
    their own learning and passions
  • Increased # of students who finish HAS with career-based certifications
  • PT Conferences have been reimagined to include student ownership
    and the hopes of HAS parents


  1. Establish an in-school mentorship program that responds to the needs of the students involved.
  2. Explore tools to support more flexible learning journeys such as competency-based education and innovative integration of graduation requirements.
  3. Integrate social emotional learning and wellness throughout a students' experience as a learner in Holly Area Schools.
  4. Include student voice and feedback.

Measures of Success

  • Supportive spaces for students to go in building for Core Competencies
    and mentorship
  • Mentorship programs are up and running in each building - rosters
    established - students involved
  • Exploration of standards/skills-based grading and competency framework
  • Staff is trained in embedded Core Competencies for all disciplines
  • Significant decline in disciplinary write-ups and suspensions
  • Increased grad rate and participation rate

Bold Vision

By 2030, the staff of Holly Area Schools will participate in a collaborative environment that nurtures growth and
innovation. By emphasizing targeted professional development, access to innovative resources, and mentorship
opportunities, we will foster a culture where learning and adapting are the norm. We empower our staff to be
leaders of district transformation, guiding students toward a bright and promising future.



  1. Collaborate on a comprehensive, adaptive professional learning plan that aligns with Holly’s district mission/vision and responds to staff needs.
  2. Provide ongoing professional learning opportunities that are job-embedded, relevant, research-based.
  3. Acknowledge and leverage the existing skills and competencies within Holly Area Schools’ staff.
  4. Implement a growth-focused evaluation process that includes multiple sources of feedback and data.

Measures of Success

  • Staff is involved in PD options that are differentiated
    and relate to professional growth goals
  • Wide variety of PD options (with high usage of 95% or more)
  • Increase in options and usage of job-embedded PD
  • Increase in leadership opportunities for teachers
  • Leadership roles are evolving
  • There are multiple ways to get feedback on instructional growth.
    Capacity is increasing.


  1. Continue to develop innovative and rewarding staff contracts that meet holistic needs and support retention.
  2. Address and allocate resources based on staff needs, including access to technology, tools, and materials that promote job completion and enjoyment.
  3. Foster a positive and supportive work environment that values staff, their contributions, and their time.

Measures of Success

  • Compensation
    - Multiple paths - years, leadership, mentorship, excellence, etc.
    - Reflects inflation, cost-of-living
    - Is competitive regionally (total compensation) - see current

      CBA vs. like-districts
  • Staff attendance increases
  • Staff seniority increases due to retention
  • Open 2 way communication between staff members regardless
    of position
  • Staff have regular opportunities to provide feedback on resources


  1. Promote a collaborative work environment that fosters teamwork and peer-to-peer support.
  2. Promote continuous learning and improvement by providing safe and constructive methods for staff involvement, reflection, and goal identification.
  3. Promote common goals through the use and application of this Strategic Plan.

Measures of Success

  • Co-planning , co-teaching is evident (vertical & horizontal)
  • Measurement / evaluation processes are aligned to strategic goals
    and reflect a joint ownership for all stakeholders, including staff,
    creating a collective culture of leadership
  • Increased opportunities for staff discussion, collaboration,
    and culture building


  1. Embrace curricula that incorporate best practices, joyful teaching and learning, and celebrate both foundational skills and future-ready skills.
  2. Foster staff input and collaboration in curriculum development, including opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.
  3. Promote innovative teaching and learning practices that empower staff to design and deliver inclusive and meaningful instruction through
    the MTSS 3 Tiered framework.

Measures of Success

  • Public curriculum and pacing guides (updated regularly)
  • Increase in interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Increase in time given to prepare and collaborate for all staff at all levels
  • MTSS implementation includes regular meetings, shared notes,
    and a consistent framework for expectations
  • Vertical / horizontal teams with curriculum cycles
  • Curriculum that genuinely reflects all students
  • Increase in instructional interactivity

Bold Vision

By 2030, we will have an engaged community with stakeholders actively collaborating for district success. We will achieve this by implementing innovative communication, fostering a culture of trust and transparency, establishing robust collaborative networks, promoting diverse thought and inclusivity, and supporting community-led initiatives.



  1. Create regular meeting times between staff and students to discuss concerns, ideas, and initiatives.
  2. Design activities that require staff and student collaboration, promoting shared problem-solving and learning experiences.

Measures of Success

  • Increased opportunities for staff and student dialogue
    - Potentially have methods for certain support staff and students
      to stay together for duration of time in a building
  • Student voice and choice are demonstrated in authentic ways
    in lesson planning
  • The majority of students choose to be involved in methods
    of offering feedback on a variety of subjects
  • Increased interdisciplinary designed work (ie. PBL)


  1. Host a variety of school events, such as workshops, re-imagined parent-teacher conferences, home visits, and social gatherings
    to facilitate parent engagement.
  2. Partner with community organizations to create neighborhood outreach programs, offering support and resources for families.

Measures of Success

  • Families are engaged in their child’s education through a variety
    of methods offered in response to surveys
  • Increased participation at the events/in the methods offered
  • Holly has a variety of community partnerships that mutually
    benefit all parties involved
  • Increased opportunities for student feedback and involvement


  1. Develop consistent communication practices for classrooms, students, and families, emphasizing predictability, relevancy, and respect.
  2. Provide training for staff and students on effective, respectful communication and conflict resolution skills.
  3. Roll out the Strategic Plan with intentionality, clarity, and simplicity so that its vision can be caught, shared, and celebrated across
    the Holly Area Schools’ entire community.

Measures of Success

  • Our community is using a variety of methods to engage with school including the website, social media, visits, etc.
  • Increase in “read” receipts for families receiving info on district / school /student events and initiatives
  • Holly has clear communication expectations with some room for teacher autonomy/personalization
  • District demonstrates responsiveness
  • Increased opportunities for 2-way communication


  1. Conduct annual surveys to gather feedback from staff, students, and families, focusing on communication effectiveness, school climate,
    and overall satisfaction. Share results. Act on results.
  2. Conduct engagements for stakeholders to voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions for improvement.
  3. Continue to learn about the most effective ways of communicating with all collaborators, ensuring representation from all demographics.

Measures of Success

  • The majority of staff, students, families, and community members are responsive to surveys
  • Increase speed with which we act on data
  • Increase the efficacy of responses by continuing to ask questions about impact vs. intent
  • District will have documentation on gathered feedback results, responses, and shifted practices


  1. Refine our centralized communication platform that shares timely updates, policy changes, and other essential information with stakeholders.
  2. Provide opportunities to improve communication channels, ensuring they are accessible, user-friendly, and effective in fostering trust
    among staff, students, families, and community.

Measures of Success

  • Update website to a more user-friendly and accessible experience
  • Open curriculum and lesson plans
  • Planning in general, sports, clubs, fundraising
  • District-wide learning management systems standardization
  • Stakeholders will have an improved experience with HAS
  • Gossip and negative social media posts decline
  • Regular opportunities to converse between staff members and teams (collect notes)

Bold Vision

By 2030, our systems and structures will prioritize the health, success, and safety of all students and staff, while fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and excel. Our comprehensive approach will encompass robust physical and mental health supports, secure facilities, data-driven decision-making, and a resilient financial strategy that ensures long-term sustainability.



  1. Conduct regular safety and security assessments to identify vulnerabilities and implement improvements.
  2. Develop emergency management plans and procedures, ensuring staff and students are regularly prepared to respond to crises.

Measures of Success

  • Clear emergency management plans/procedures posted and shared
  • Conducted audits of emergency plans and received feedback from
    staff and students
  • Increase percentage of financial resources dedicated to safety
    and security


  1. Continually review infrastructure needs and develop plans to enhance learning environments, ensuring they are adaptable to different
    teaching and learning models.
  2. Implement flexible classroom designs and technology that support collaboration, creativity, and student-centered learning.

Measures of Success

  • Increase flexible furniture in classrooms
  • Increase environment adaptability
  • Presence of posters, self-expression, art, helpful color, healthy lighting
  • Financial resources have been dedicated to Flexible Learning Environments (considered by departments)


  1. Regularly re-evaluate and upgrade technology infrastructure and systems, including hardware, software, scheduling tools, data collection, and network security.
  2. Regularly re-evaluate and upgrade curricula, instructional tools, and learning materials.
  3. Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for staff and students to fully utilize and deploy technologies and resources.
  4. Provide ongoing systems for staff and students to provide feedback on their experiences and hopes for all technologies and resources.

Measures of Success

  • Updated technology in buildings
  • All staff able to use appropriate technology
  • Increased financial resources dedicated to technology


  1. Promote positive relationships and community building.
  2. Incorporate a positive education framework that blends academic learning with Core Competencies and encourages a focus on individual strengths
    and an optimistic mindset.
  3. Provide mental health and wellness resources, support, and education that include counseling services and stress-management workshops.
  4. Institutionalize recognition and celebration for both big and small achievements regularly.

Measures of Success

  • Increased financial resources dedicated to technology Increase in school related events, put on by parents, staff teams, the district
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) participation
  • Staff have participated in stress-management workshops and been involved in problem-solving regular issues
  • Regular celebrations occurring through all levels of the district - schools,
    district-wide, with partners, in community
  • Asset based thinking overshadows deficit minded approach across the district


  1. Develop schedules that are responsive to the needs and requirements of diverse student populations, including those with disabilities, mental health needs, or other special needs.
  2. Provide opportunities for students and staff to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and other programs that support holistic development and balance.

Measures of Success

  • Personalized schedules in use
  • Work to hone in on most supportive start/end times has begun and adjustments are being vetted and planned
  • Reduction of student behavior problems
  • Increased # of students in extracurricular activities


  1. Ensure that funds are managed effectively and ethically to support initiatives and programs that yield the highest impact on this Strategic Plan.
  2. Provide clear, easy-to-access, and timely information about our budget, multiple years of budget forecasts, and spending.
  3. Commit to long-term financial planning that ensures the sustainability of our programs and initiatives. By maintaining a healthy reserve fund and carefully
    forecasting future needs and potential challenges, we can ensure the continuity of our educational services even in times of uncertainty.

Measures of Success

  • Healthy general fund
  • Audit results have been vetted and responded to
  • Strong financial plan for the future is underway


  1. Develop transportation plans that prioritize safety, accessibility, and efficiency per feedback from staff, students, and the community.
  2. Provide accessible transportation options for students with disabilities or other special needs.

Measures of Success

  • Bus system is refreshed, effective, families report satisfaction
  • Less backups, reduced bussing issues
  • Parents involved in ongoing feedback
  • Looked at # of contracts with external companies
  • Increased use of vans, where appropriate

Bold Vision

By 2030, we envision a thriving network of strong partnerships between schools, local professionals, industry leaders, and community organizations that fosters collaborative, holistic, and diverse learning experiences for students. These partnerships will empower students to reach their full potential and seamlessly integrate their educational journey with the world beyond the school.



  1. Integrate community resources and partners to enhance real-world learning experiences and mentorship opportunities.
  2. Foster relationships with local professionals, industry leaders, and organizations to support student learning and growth.
  3. Implement mentor training programs, building capacity and empathy within our adults to guide and advise students.
  4. Establish a network of partners and an interactive communication system to streamline collaboration and information sharing.
  5. Explore partnering with local health entities to provide point-of-care service for staff, students, and community.

Measures of Success

  • An attitude of exploration and discovery permeates the teaching and learning in Holly Area Schools, increasing the number of school to world connections
  • Many students are involved in internships, mentorships, and / or externships with a community partner
  • Expand upon job days, career days - broaden approach
  • Integration of feedback/survey results into plans for adapting and growing these partnerships (students, too!)


  1. Offer age-appropriate and varied experiences for students to engage with people, organizations, and locations beyond the school.
  2. Encourage intergenerational collaboration and learning, promoting empathy and understanding among different age groups.

Measures of Success

  • Community partners visit the building
  • A wide variety of outside entities are involved in supporting teaching and learning PK-12
  • Look outside common careers, minimum wages
  • Partnerships that are established are well known, well advertised and celebrated (tell our story!)


  1. Facilitate access to community members who have achieved success in a wide variety of ways, fostering inspiration and motivation.
  2. Equip students with explicit knowledge and the skills needed to navigate financial success and well-being.

Measures of Success

  • Opportunities to learn about the success stories of relevant people abound
  • Students feel that teaching and learning in HAS directly empowers them to be prosperous and successful in their futures
  • Post-graduate survey / feedback report
  • Students are financially literate in ways that equip them to make healthy decisions about their future


  1. Families are active and valued partners in a shared commitment to our students’ success.
  2. Empower families by ensuring that they are well-informed about their children’s progress, school policies, events, and various resources available.
  3. Gather the unique insights that families can provide about their children’s learning preferences, strengths, and needs so that they can inform
    and enrich our district systems and practices.

Measures of Success

  • Parents are readily serving on PAC committees, filling building volunteer opportunities, and offering resources
  • Holly Area Schools keeps track of volunteer data and uses it to plan for future improvements
  • Students are excited to be a part of summer programs and participant numbers are increasing
  • Increase in weekly “read” receipts showing more families are informed about student communications
  • Integration of family survey results into plans for Family / Community Events

Construction on the highly anticipated new Holly Middle School broke ground in September 2023...



Bond Info and Proposal