May 2022 Bond Proposal

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Dear Families and Community Members of Holly Area Schools,

We would like to remind everyone to vote on Tuesday, May 3.  Holly Area Schools has a school bond proposal on the election ballot. If approved, this bond proposal would provide $97,000,000 for district-wide improvements, with no tax rate increase to property owners.

Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Voters may cast a ballot at the polling location established by their city/township. If you are unsure of your voting location, visit:

Please see the frequently asked questions document to help answer your questions.

At Holly Area Schools, we recognize the trust our community places in us to make wise use of their tax dollars, and we take that responsibility very seriously.  I encourage you to review this page to learn more about the facts of our bond proposal.


Scott Roper, Superintendent
Holly Area Schools 


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April 29, 2022

Dear Families and Community Members of Holly Area Schools,

We would like to remind everyone to vote next Tuesday, May 3. Holly Area Schools has a school bond proposal on the election ballot. If approved, this bond proposal would provide $97 million for district-wide improvements with no tax rate increase to property owners.

This bond proposal addresses the highest priority projects and focuses on three key areas:

  • Safety and security. If approved, the bond would fund several health and safety projects, including upgrading fire protection and public address systems, improving parking lots and sidewalks, and replacing worn playground structures.
  • Providing our students with skills to compete. The bond would help enhance academic, professional trades, performing arts and athletic opportunities districtwide to help prepare all Bronchos for the jobs of tomorrow.
  • Making necessary repairs to aging infrastructure. This proposal would fund the construction of a new middle school to replace our aging building with expanded learning spaces, a career lab, fine arts and athletics facilities. It would include additional building and site improvements, including replacement of septic systems at Davisburg and Rose Pioneer elementary schools.

Learn more on the district website,

Here, you will find facts about the bond proposal, including a frequently asked questions document. Unfortunately, some misinformation regarding the district’s bond proposal was recently mailed out to some Holly residents. This is why getting the facts is so important.

  • This is a no tax increase proposal. If approved by voters, this bond proposal would not raise the current Holly Area Schools bond millage rate for district property owners.
  • The May 3 election date was selected to avoid additional cost to taxpayers. Postponing the bond proposal would extend the financial burden on the district’s general fund to pay costs of critical facility repairs and improvements. A later proposal also would have resulted in increased construction costs due to inflation.
  • Record of fiscal responsibility, accountability. Over the past 15 years, Holly Area Schools has saved taxpayers nearly $6 million in interest costs by refinancing outstanding bond debt. The district has also improved its Standard & Poor’s credit rating from an “A-“ to an “A.”
  • These will be environmentally sound improvement projects. All projects will be overseen by architects and builders, and have multiple regulatory agencies involved during the construction process to ensure we are following code, best practices and safety procedures.

At Holly Area Schools, we recognize the trust our community places in us to make wise use of their tax dollars, and we take that responsibility very seriously. I again encourage you to visit to learn more about the facts of our bond proposal on the Tuesday, May 3 ballot.


Scott Roper, Superintendent
Holly Area Schools





On May 3, 2022 our community will vote on a Holly Area Schools bond proposal. If approved, this bond proposal would provide $97,000,000 for district-wide improvements, with no tax rate increase to property owners. This bond proposal was developed and prioritized as Phase 2 of the Master Plan for district facilities. Buildings, sites, and educational programs were assessed to determine and prioritize a list of facility needs throughout the district.

PDF DocumentBond Fact Sheet

PDF DocumentBond Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

PDF DocumentBond Proposal Building Graphics of Project Improvements


If you have further questions, contact Scott Roper, Superintendent at (248) 328-3147 or by e-mail at

Paid for by Holly Area Schools

On May 3, 2022 our community will vote on a Holly Area Schools bond proposal. If approved, this bond proposal would provide $97,000,000 for district-wide improvements, with no tax rate increase to property owners. This bond proposal was developed and prioritized as Phase 2 of the Master Plan for district facilities. Buildings, sites, and educational programs were assessed to determine and prioritize a list of facility needs throughout the district.

PDF DocumentBond Fact Sheet

PDF DocumentBond Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

PDF DocumentBond Proposal Building Graphics of Project Improvements

Video DocumentFull May 2022 Bond Proposal Video

Video DocumentNo Tax Rate Increase Video

Video DocumentNew Middle School Video

Video DocumentLearning Environments Video

May 2022 Bond Details Collage