Welcome to Holly Area Schools Central Enrollment
All enrollment processes take place through our New Student Online Enrollment portal. If you have any enrollment or residency questions please contact us at 248.328.3106.
Young Five and Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 1st of the year of enrollment to register. Students with birth dates through December 1st may enroll with a waiver included in the enrollment process.
Enrollment Process
New families will use New Student Online Enrollment.
Note: If your child is currently enrolled in Young Five through 12th grade, you do NOT need to complete the enrollment process!
If you have other children currently enrolled in Holly Area Schools and need to enroll another child into the district, please log into your Family Access account and complete the New Student Online Enrollment application.
Please remain patient while the enrollment office works through the finalization of your student's enrollment as there may be requests via email to provide additional information. Please be sure to check your email frequently to expedite the completion of your child(ren)'s enrollment.
Once your enrollment is complete, you will receive a confirmation email and instructions on how to enroll in Skyward Family Access login information. If you have questions regarding your child’s schedule, teachers or upcoming events, please visit your school’s website or call your child’s school directly.
Criteria for Enrollment
1. Provide Two (2) Proofs of Residency
Students must reside within the boundary of the school at which they are enrolled unless a student was accepted as schools of choice, was approved for an in-district transfer to another school, or is verified as eligible to attend through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act.
If at any time a student’s address is in question, the district may require additional verification. Proof of Residency (may be required to renew annually).
Proof of Residency is used to establish residency within the district of Holly Area Schools.
Proof of Ownership/Occupancy - One (1) RequiredSupporting Document - One (1) RequiredNote: If living in the home of another, a roperty owner must submit proof of ownership and the parent/guardian must provide proof of residency for that address. |
2. Provide Student Identification
Child's birth certificate
A birth certificate must be supplied by the parent/guardian of the student. Birth certificates will not be retrieved from the previous district, and will also not be released for any reason. Birth certificates can be obtained through the county in which your child was born at the Register of Deeds Office. The Birth certificate will be copied at the time of enrollment.
3. Provide Parent Identification
Parent/guardian picture identification (driver's license/passport)
Photo ID, such as a driver’s license, state ID, or passport, of parent or legal guardian must be provided. The current address must be represented on the photo I.D.
4. Provide Immunization Record
Record from doctor's office or Health Department
Official record must be submitted at the time of enrollment. The student’s complete updated immunization record must be submitted prior to the first day of attendance. Immunization records can’t be obtained from previous schools. The district will not release any immunization information on students.
Immunization information is available at the Oakland County Health Department at 248.858.1280 or you can complete an Immunization Record Request on MCIR.org.
Michigan law requires children to be up to date on all required immunizations on or before the first day of school. Children who have valid medical reasons that prevent or delay them from receiving a vaccine may submit a waiver, signed by the child's physician, which explains the medical issue and vaccine involved. However, any parent/guardian who wishes to waive vaccines for non-medical reasons are now REQUIRED to receive vaccine education from their local health department and provide the certified waiver at the time of enrollment. This rule applies to all children entering childcare, kindergarten and 7th grade, or newly enrolled in the district as of January 1, 2015.
Vaccinations Required for Entry in Michigan
Vaccinations Required for Preschool/Childcare
Immunization Requirements
Nonmedical Waiver Rule
For more information on Immunizations and requirements, please visit the Oakland County Health Department - Immunizations site.
5. Provide Health Records
Vision Screening
Hearing Screening
Dental Screening
Michigan Public Health Code, (Act 368 of 1978), requires hearing and vision screening for kindergarten entrance. Michigan law also requires students have a dental screening before or shortly after their first school year begins.
Screening for vision, hearing, and dental are available through the Oakland County Health Department. More information is available on the Oakland County - Kindergarten Readiness site.
Additional Scenarios
Guardianship / Custody
Provide Court order Documentation or Custody Documentation. Court documentation showing stamp, date & judge’s signature. We cannot accept a Power of Attorney document.
Special Education Services
If your child is receiving special education services, provide a copy of current Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Academic Information
To help expedite the scheduling process, the following document will assist counselors:
Students entering 9th grade - submit final 8th grade report card
Students entering 10th - 12th grade - submit unofficial transcript
Schools of Choice
Schools of Choice
For students located outside of the district boundary, the Holly Area Schools Board of Education has approved and participates in Schools of Choice within Oakland County, Section 105 and outside of Oakland County, Section 105C. Students must be enrolled and in attendance before the end of the first week of school.
Our Schools of Choice application window for Trimester 1 will begin May 1st and will be open until August 16th and the window for Trimester 2 will open on November 1st and will be open until November 15th for Young Five through 11th grade students for the 2024-2025 School Year. The Application will be posted below when available.
Call today or visit our offices to see the many points of pride and award winning programs! Contact the Enrollment Office at 248.328.3106 with any questions.
2024-2025 School Year
To apply for School of Choice the following forms need to be completed and returned to the Enrollment Office for processing:
Not sure which School District your child will attend? You can use the Resident District Lookup. Just enter your address to find out! |
For questions related to Young Five through Adult Transition, please contact:
Jodi Berry
For questions related to Early Childhood Programs, please contact: