July 25, 2024

Skyward Online Verification

Opens August 1st

Dear Families of Holly Area Schools, 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!  The Online Verification window in Skyward officially opens Thursday, August 1st.  Parents and/or Guardians will be guided through a series of steps to verify and update all necessary back-to-school information.  

HAS and the Michigan School Meals program will again offer free breakfast and lunch to all students.  Families will benefit from this program by submitting an Educational Benefits Application Form as one of the steps in online verification.  You only need to complete the form once.  Using the blue hyperlink include the first and last names of all children in the family.  Once the form is complete for one child, check the box labeled “I do not qualify for benefits or do not wish to complete an application” for your other children.  This will allow you to move on to the next step. 

Please follow the directions carefully to ensure successful completion and be sure to click ‘Complete Registration’ to finalize the process.  You will receive an email confirming your successful completion of the update process.  

You may begin the online verification process by visiting our district website at www.hask12.org and choosing “Skyward Online Verification” located under the Community/Parent menu or logging in directly to Skyward Family Access.

Online Verification provides families with the ease of completing back-to-school tasks online.   It will allow you to see our building welcome letters, verify student emergency contact information, access and review the school handbook and your student’s class schedule, and review other important back-to-school information.  

Completion of the Skyward Online Verification is required prior to the start of the 2024-25 school year.  

  • Middle School and High School families must complete prior to schedule pick-up.

  • Elementary families must complete prior to Meet and Greet to be assigned a classroom. 

If additional support is needed, computers will be available for Skyward Online Verification at the Back to School Health and Enrollment Fair Saturday, August 3rd at Holly High School

To complete the Online Verification process, your Skyward username and password will be needed.  If you do not have your Skyward Family Access login information or have other questions, please can contact your student’s school office or email family.access@hask12.org.

Thank you for being a partner with Holly Area Schools supporting our students to achieve their highest potential.  


Holly Area Schools Administration