SMS Text Messaging Announcement

Update your phone number in the Text area of Skylert and Opt-in!
August 15, 2024
Dear Holly Area Schools Parents and Guardians,
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, we will be adding text messaging capability to SchoolMessenger, the system we use for phone calls and emails. The system will be configured to send text messages to cell phone numbers whose recipients have agreed to receive them. During the Online Verification process, we encourage you to enter/confirm accurate phone numbers and your participation.
There are only two requirements for a recipient to receive messages via SMS text:
- The recipient’s wireless number must be added in the “New” Skylert Text Message Numbers area of your parent/guardian Skyward Family Access account.
- “Opt-In Confirmation” from the recipient’s wireless device. Recipients can easily opt-in by simply sending “Y” (or “Yes”), via text message, to our SchoolMessenger Short Code number: 67587
These requirements address any concerns related to the accuracy of the database and costs associated with receiving text messages. We encourage you to do this before the start of the school year so you can begin receiving messages via SMS Text messages when sent from the district.
You will also want to add 67587 to your address book to identify the text messages that are coming from Holly Area Schools as they will not display a phone number like you would see for phone calls.
Note: After the beginning of the school year, if a recipient’s SMS Text number is changed or a new number is added in Skylert, the new number will automatically be sent an Opt-In message.
Please see the sample on the following page displaying the Skylert tab in Skyward Family Access. The SMS Text numbers are separate from the other phone numbers used for your students. Numbers you would like to use are added in the Text Message Numbers area. Also, make sure to designate the types of outgoing messages in which you would like to receive SMS Text messages.
You can update these numbers as often as you wish by logging into your Skyward Family Access account and updating the information on the Skylert tab where the numbers are located.
Below is additional information for the Opt-In process:
Holly Area Schools will continue to send voicemails and emails. Now, there is the additional option to utilize the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages, straight to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more.*
SchoolMessenger is compliant with the Student Privacy PledgeTM, so you can rest assured that your information is safe and will never be given or sold to anyone.
If you have questions, please contact your student's main office.
Scott M. Roper, Superintendent