October 7, 2024

Safety and Security Update

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The safety of our students, families, and staff is our number one priority.

October 7, 2024 

Dear Parents of Holly Area Schools, 

The safety of our students, families, and staff is our number one priority.

It was reported today to school administration that a knife was found on the seat of a school bus at the end of a secondary route and turned into one of the transportation staff members.  It is a smaller pocket knife with a blade just under 2.5 inches.  

Upon receiving the information, the middle school administration immediately began an investigation.  There has been no reported or known threat towards any students or staff.  The Michigan Revised School Code defines a knife with a blade of 3 or more inches as a weapon.  Under Michigan’s Weapon Free School Zone, a student is expelled for possessing a dangerous weapon unless a student can establish in a clear and convincing manner one of four exceptions as noted in Section 380.1311 of the Revised School Code.  

Through the investigation which included parent contact, administration has identified a student who allegedly left the knife on the bus seat.  Building administration in collaboration with law enforcement will address this incident in accordance with the school code of conduct once the investigation has been completed. 

We encourage our parents to talk with their student(s) regarding things that are prohibited from school.  There have been incidents of students using their backpacks, pants, or other over the weekend for non-school related use which included a knife to take camping, going hunting, or helping out on a farm.  Routinely check your students' belongings before going to school.  Bringing a knife to school can still carry serious school discipline even if done unintentionally. 

We appreciate your ongoing conversations with your children regarding school safety.  We continue to remind all students, parents, and staff to report any suspicious or threatening activity. Threats can be reported to school or district administration, or by calling the Holly Police Department at (248) 858-4911.  

School Administration and Law enforcement will investigate all concerning and suspicious behavior and take whatever action is warranted to protect our school community. On behalf of our children, we will work together to ensure learning in our district takes place in a safe environment.  


Scott Roper, Superintendent – Holly Area Schools 

Safety and Security Update October 7, 2024