Broncho Marching Band completes ‘clean sweep’ season on the competition field

Band’s most successful season in school history demonstrates central role of fine arts in district
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024
CONTACT: Christopher Behnan, Byrum & Fisk Advocacy Communications, (248) 767-4377
Broncho Marching Band completes ‘clean sweep’ season on the competition field
Band’s most successful season in school history demonstrates central role of fine arts in district
HOLLY, Mich. — The Broncho Marching Band has made school history by completing a perfect season of first-place finishes on the competition field, wrapping up on Saturday as they nabbed the top prize at the Brandon Invitational. The band’s “clean sweep” season — the best in school history — demonstrates the district’s commitment to the fine arts as part of a well-rounded education that prepares students for success and careers.
“I am so proud of the tireless hard work before, during and after school our students invested in achieving our ‘clean sweep’ season for the Broncho Marching Band,” said Ben Baldwin, Holly High School’s band director. “It has been truly rewarding working with this extraordinary group of talented young musicians and seeing them make school history on the competition field.”
The Bronchos took the first-place caption awards at the Oct. 26 event in Ortonville, taking best music, best marching and best percussion at the statewide event. Here is a recap of the Broncho Marching Band’s other wins during the record-breaking season on the field:
Oct. 5: Troy Athens Invitational
- First-place finish
- Caption awards for best music and best color guard
Oct. 15: Swartz Creek Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA) Marching Band Festival
- Straight 1’s – 11th consecutive year
- All A’s for every category of music, marching and visual effect
Oct. 19: Chippewa Valley Invitational
- First-place
- Caption awards for best music, best marching and best percussion
“I’d like to personally congratulate the Broncho Marching Band and Band Director Ben Baldwin for their outstanding, historic season,” said Scott Roper, Holly Area Schools superintendent. “Their success should encourage younger Bronchos to join our band program, which continues to demonstrate our commitment to the fine arts as part of a well-rounded education that prepares our Bronchos for bright futures and the jobs of tomorrow.”
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Photos: Broncho Marching Band at the Troy Athens Invitational on Oct. 5