Broncho students, staff win big at statewide Family and Consumer Sciences conference
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, March 24, 2025
CONTACT: Christopher Behnan, Byrum & Fisk Advocacy Communications, (248) 767-4377
Broncho students, staff win big at statewide Family and Consumer Sciences conference
HOLLY, Mich. — Holly High School students and staff racked up nearly 20 wins at the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) State Leadership Conference last month in Southfield. The FCCLA conference celebrates student and staff leadership and exploring opportunities for students to pursue careers that support our families in Holly and beyond.
The organization promotes Family and Consumer Sciences education, which prepares students for careers in fields like financial services, human services, public service, and education and training.
“Congratulations to our outstanding students who continue to excel as they demonstrate their leadership skills and prepare for rewarding careers that support our families and community,” said Miranda Barth, Holly High School’s FCCLA advisor. “The FCCLA conference was the latest example of our district’s continuing and growing efforts to prepare our Bronchos for the jobs of the future.”
Students Cecelia Goff, Payton Fleishans and Adrianna Thisse earned the “Power of One” award. Students Gabby Feres and Jenna St. Marie won the “Dare to Dream” award along with a set of professional chef steak knives. Feres, Thisse, Lyndsey Tibbs and Hailey Herman qualified for the FCCLA National Leadership Conference representing Michigan in Orlando in July. Holly High School won the Five Star Chapter Award.
Tibbs also opened the FCCLA conference by singing the national anthem.
Students also took many individual awards in areas including interior design, early childhood education, food innovation and fashion construction. Students who won awards include:
- Hailey Herman, gold
- Claudia Klempp, gold
- Jenna St. Marie, gold
- Sophie Tobias, gold
- Adrianna Thisse, gold
- Lyndsey Tibbs, gold
- Madison Bolton, silver
- Briley Bowman, silver
- Payton Fleishans,silver
- Rubie Robinette, silver
- Dakota Teddy, silver
- Cecelia Goff, bronze
Jennifer Fettig, director of career programming and business partnerships, won “Outstanding Administrator of the Year.” The award recognizes a principal, CTE coordinator or other administrator who has been particularly supportive of FCCLA. Barth was honored for her 20 years of service to the FCCLA.
“I am so proud of these outstanding Broncho students and staff who showed their peers from across Michigan what #BronchoPride is all about,” said Scott Roper, Holly Area Schools superintendent. “At Holly Area Schools, we look forward to pursuing additional opportunities for our students to hone their leadership capabilities as they prepare for success and the real world.”
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Student winners at the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) State Leadership Conference last month.
Jennifer Fettig, Holly High School’s director of career programming and business partnerships, left, and Miranda Barth, Holly High School’s FCCLA advisor, were honored at the recent conference.