Before and After School Care / Latchkey

Holly Latchkey Logo


Latchkey is before and after school child care. Latchkey services are available in all elementary school locations. Students have an opportunity to complete homework, play with others (games, activities, crafts), and go outside or to the gym. Holly Area Schools provides breakfast for all students before school begins. A morning snack will not be provided. The Latchkey program will provide an afternoon snack.

Latchkey Tuition Rates

Non-Refundable Annual Registration Fee $50
  Daily Rate AM or PM Daily Rate Both AM and PM
1 Child $10.00 $20.00
2 Children
(same family)
$9.00 per child $18.00 per child
3 Children
(same family)
$8.50 per child $17.00 per child
4 or more
(same family)
$8.00 per child $16.00 per child

ProCare Billing System (Credit/Debit/ACH):  All tuition payments are made on Procare or Checks are accepted. All latchkey invoices are posted on Friday for the previous week of attendance. Invoices are due by the following Monday at 6AM. All Procare payments will be assessed a 2.75% processing fee.

Sibling discount:  Discounts are available for families with more than one child attending latchkey services. Siblings are considered children living in the same household, related by blood, marriage/domestic partnership, adoption or foster care. (2 Children -10%, 3 Children -15%, 4 or more children -20%).

If you have a student attending the tuition based Preschool your child's latchkey fee will be $7 a day.

Latchkey Schedules

Location AM / PM
Davisburg Elementary 6:00 - 8:20 AM  /  3:46 - 6:00 PM
Holly Elementary 6:00 - 8:20 AM  /  3:35 - 6:00 PM
Patterson Elementary 6:00 - 8:40 AM  /  3:56 - 6:00 PM
Rose Pioneer Elementary 6:00 - 8:35 AM  /  3:51 - 6:00 PM


Please contact the early childhood office if you have any questions: 248-328-3021

No P.M. Latchkey on district ½ Days
No Latchkey on district wide PD Days

PDF DocumentLatchkey Tuition Rates 2024-2025

PDF DocumentLatchkey Handbook 2024-2025



Amber Carmichael

Holly Area Schools
GSRP / Head Start / Preschool
Phone: 248.328.3021
Profile Photo

Candice Davies

Holly Area Schools
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Principal
Phone: 248.328.3022