Homebound Services

Homebound and Hospitalized Services

Homebound and hospitalized services are designed to help students who are unable to attend school due to a medical condition, to keep up with their studies, and to progress as far as possible given their medical condition. The teacher servicing homebound and hospitalized students facilitates the curriculum and provides support for school work in the home or treatment facility.

Please contact the building principal or counselor for more information.

For a student to qualify for homebound and/or hospitalized services:

  • the student must be enrolled in a public school or a public school academy,
  • the student is unable to attend school due to illness or injury,
  • the student's medical doctor must certify that the student be confined to the home or is
  • hospitalized during regular school hours,
  • the student is physically able to participate in instructional activities while at home or in the hospital,
  • and it is anticipated that the student will be homebound or hospitalized for five (5) consecutive days.

Homebound Services provide continuity of educational services for pupils with medical conditions that prevent them from physically attending school during the school year. These services are designed to be a self-study program that allows pupils to maintain coursework and studies while they are unable to attend school.

The district shall provide services to an enrolled pupil who is certified by a physician as having a medical condition that requires the pupil to be hospitalized or confined to their home during the regular school hours, and that is expected to require the hospitalization or confinement for a period longer than five(5) school days. The certification of need would come from an M.D. or D.O. or a licensed physician’s assistant.

Homebound Services allow the classroom teacher to work through the homebound teacher to help distribute course materials, deliver instruction, and monitor pupil progress in the course. The homebound teacher will also provide support to the parents or other caregivers so they can help guide the pupil in the instruction, provide tutorial services to help the pupil gain basic information to complete assignments, and to provide other support that might be useful in helping the pupil maintain as much academic progress as possible while temporarily away from school.

The district is required to provide a minimum of two(2) 45-minute instructional periods per week for general education pupils; or a minimum of two(2) nonconsecutive 60-minute instructional periods per week for pupils with an IEP.

Parents are responsible for notifying the school district when the pupil is going to be homebound or hospitalized for a period longer than five(5) consecutive school days. Parents should notify the school administrator in writing with the name of the physician and authorize the release of enough information to allow the school district to determine eligibility.

The district will respond within three(3) days of being notified by the parent or legal guardian with a plan to provide services for a pupil who is eligible.

For more information, please contact our Special Services Office at 248.328.3170.

External LinkMI Dept of Education - Homebound and Hospitalized Services

Erika Stevens

HAS District Administration Office
Special Services
Administrative Assistant / Special Services
Phone: 248.328.3170