Holly Area Schools

Holly Area Schools serves approximately 3,300 students in Northwest Oakland County. The district has four elementary schools, one middle school, one class A high school, and a campus for severely multiply impaired (SXI), severely cognitively impaired (SCI), and post-secondary students.  HAS offers a superior variety of early childhood education programs including Young Fives, Pre-K, Infant/Toddler, Early Childhood Special Education, and Summer Learning Ladder Program.  Approximately 195 certified teachers with the vast majority boasting a Master’s Degree or above support our students each day.

Holly Elementary and Holly Middle School participate in the "Leader in Me" Program. Both buildings are successfully increasing student leadership and positively impacting student academic and social behaviors through the 7 Habits. Holly Elementary was granted Leader in Me Lighthouse status in the Spring of 2015 and Holly Middle School become the first middle school in Michigan to reach Lighthouse status in the Spring of 2016. The district reopened Holly Middle School in the Fall of 2014. With this change, the middle school grade configuration returned to grades 6 - 8. This will also allow for continued growth of the district's early childhood programs at the four elementary buildings.

Holly Area Schools is a genuine, caring community with supportive families.  The district has great students, a hard-working staff with creative, innovative, and passionate teachers.  There is a great deal of positive momentum across Holly Area Schools. 

Mission Statement: 

In partnership with parents and community, Holly Area Schools provides a safe, supportive and rigorous learning environment preparing every student to meet challenges of today and tomorrow.

Vision statement: 

Inspiring learners to shape tomorrow's world

Board Goals:  

Increase Student Achievement - Increase Pupil Enrollment - Achieve Financial Stability