Learning In Friendship Together (LIFT) Peer Mentorship

LIFT Peer Mentorship Overview


“Where learning takes place, friendships are formed, and lifelong memories are made!”

Learning In Friendship Together (LIFT) is a Peer Mentoring class where students with and without autism are paired for an entire school year, working on effective study habits, communication, and social skills. This course will provide student mentors with a deep understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (autism, high-functioning autism, and Asperger’s Syndrome), will promote acceptance and understanding, increase advocacy skills, as well as foster new and amazing friendships. Admission into LIFT Mentorship requires an application process, including teacher/counselor recommendations and a review of prior attendance habits.  LIFT Mentorship is available to junior and seniors, interested in pursuing careers in education, occupational/physical/speech therapy, social work, nursing, and medical fields.

LIFT Program Honored with Leadership Award from START RCN

Holly was voted, by START RCN, to receive the Leadership Award for going above and beyond in their efforts to improve the lives of students with ASD.

The Regional Collaborative Networks (RCN) are groups of school professionals, parent representatives, and relevant community partners serving students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a particular region in Michigan. The RCN are supported through START (Statewide Autism Resources and Training), a Michigan State Department of Education professional development grant project. 







Mentors work 1:1 with students in the Basic ASD Class to work on improving social and communication skills necessary for developing positive and lasting friendships within the school community. Classroom activities include, but not limited to, direct social skills lessons, role-playing, games, crafts, swimming, and holiday and talent presentations. 
*Full coursework description and information pertaining to Honors LIFT is below.


Mentors work 1:1 with students with high functioning autism/asperger’s to help improve study skills, time-management, organization, emotional regulation, self-advocacy, school/community involvement, and the social skills necessary for academic and social success within the school, community, and work place. Classroom activities include modeling and facilitating good study and work habits, promoting and leading group activities, and demonstrating friendship skills through conversation and games. 
*Full coursework description and information pertaining to Honors LIFT is below.


Mentors work with one or more students in the general education classroom providing assistance with note taking, accommodations, peer interactions, organization, and class participation.  *This class is available to 2nd year mentors, only.  See Mrs. Houldsworth for more information.


Mentors work with one or more students in the ASD Basic Class providing assistance with academic remediation, independent living skills, communication, and class participation.  *This class is available to 2nd year mentors, only.  See Mrs. Houldsworth for more information


Online journal/article readings regarding ASD, current research, and best practice (via Edmodo).
Online responses to readings and discussions (via Edmodo).
Daily/Weekly reflection journals and data collection.
ASD Project: Create a visual schedule, Power Card, and/or Social Story for a student in our class.
Create a Video Model for our digital social skills library.
Participate in Lunch Buddies or Before/After School Buddies (min 1x week).
Assist with fundraising and autism awareness events put on by LIFT.
Complete class community service activities (1-3 per year).
Year End Reflection Paper.


Mentors grades will be based on a combination of in class activities/participation and outside of class/online participation. Weekly grade sheets are weighted at 50% and online readings/discussions/assignments are weighted at 50%, of final grade. All online assignments/readings will be graded as follows:
Thoughtful and timely responses will be given 90%-100%, however, responses lacking effort and/or original thought will be marked down to 70%. ALL work will be accepted until one week prior to the trimester end for a maximum of 60%.
*See attached weekly grade sheet for a full breakdown.


Great attendance is a must! Only school related Excused Absences will be exempt from grade penalty.
Outstanding role model, inside and outside of the classroom.
Maintain student confidentiality.  Failure to do so will result in immediate removal from the program/class.
Eager to make new friends!! 

LIFT Honors 

LIFT Honor Cords will be provided for Graduation Commencements to senior LIFT Mentors who meet the LIFT Honors expectations.  
These expectations include: C
Complete all assigned course work 
Sign-up and create an Autism Awareness Showcase 
Attend all community service activities planned by LIFT (during school hours)
Participate in Lunch Buddies minimum of 1x peer week during school year
Evidence of participation in an after school or community event with one or more of the students.
Participate in all Fund Raisers and Autism Awareness Activities put on by LIFT
Maintain outstanding attendance (no more than 3 absences per trimester)
Complete a minimum of three consecutive trimesters in one or more of the LIFT Mentorship classes.